Install Checkpoint Gaia Virtualbox Ubuntu
Basic networking can be preconfigured only for Gaia R77.20 and above, and only for Check Point appliances. Basic/Advanced configuration and HFs installation (Enhanced ISOMorphic) are available only on 3000 / 5000 / 15000 / 23000 appliances with their R77.30 Gaia Clean Install package. Basically install your favorite Debian based OS (Debian. How about Kali Rolling!? Ok ok I'm pretty sure Ubuntu would work also) on a VM and install the debootstrap package (apt-get install debootstrap).
Ubuntu is a full-featured Linux operating system which is based on Debian distribution and freely available with both community and professional support, it comes with Unity as its default desktop environment. Pcunlocker full version free. There are other flavors of Ubuntu available with other desktops as default like Ubuntu Gnome, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, and so on. A tightly-integrated selection of excellent applications is included, and an incredible variety of add-on software is just a few clicks away. A default installation of Ubuntu contains a wide range of software that includes LibreOffice, Firefox, Empathy, Transmission, etc. Development of Ubuntu is led by Canonical Ltd., a company owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth.
→ Ubuntu Server images are available on this page.
Ubuntu 19.04 Disco Dingo
Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Ubuntu 18.10 Cosmic Cuttlefish
Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Ubuntu 18.04.2 Bionic Beaver
From under the cork tree download zip. Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Ubuntu 16.04.6 Xenial
- VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
- VMware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 1.1GB
Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 10+
Ubuntu 14.04.6 Trusty Tahr
- VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 892MB
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 861MB
- VMware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 851MB
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 854MB
Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 12+
Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin
- VirtualBox (VDI) 32bit DownloadSize: 590.3MB
- VirtualBox (VDI) 64bit DownloadSize: 578.2MB
- VMware (VMDK) 32bit DownloadSize: 587.8MB
- VMware (VMDK) 64bit DownloadSize: 564.3MB
Username: osboxes
VB Guest Additions & VMware Tools: Not Installed
Keyboard Layout: US (Qwerty)
VMware Compatibility: Version 12+